Pjsua2 python make call. currently im writing a script using PJSUA2 in Python3.
Pjsua2 python make call on Ubuntu)). Testing The Installation¶ To test the installation, simply run python and import pjsua2 module: User defined Call-ID to be sent out with outgoing INVITE. pjsua2 sample app outgoing calls getting 403 Forbidden response with TCP connection. Right now, we are doing custom call display based on regex matches of the incoming caller-id number. AudioMediaPlayer() # Create a recorder self. cp312-win_amd64. This guide covers common pitfalls and provides a complete solut Jun 2, 2024 · Make sure to have run either make python in the swig folder, it needs to regenerate the pjsua2_wrapped. I already managed to authorize on remote sip server, but calling is more difficult. We also define a CALL_STATUS dictionary which we will use to change the state of our later call. 7 and above, and the Python SWIG module of course. confbot. Parameters: dest_call – The call to be replaced. 要检查一切是否顺利: python import pjsua The pj. The "pygui" samples have GUI code and I'm looking for an exact equivalent for the simple "call. g. Common Requirements. Recording the Conference. Hot Network Questions Why is cividesk no longer listed on your website Can the velocity through a propeller disk be reduced Notification that this call will be replaced with new_call. Sep 24, 2023 · I'm trying to develop a code in Python that first makes a sip call to an extension and when the call is answered it plays an audio file, I managed to authenticate the account but the call is not ma Make outgoing call is by invoking pj::Call::makeCall() with the destination URI string (something like "sip:alice@example. Sep 25, 2023 · The PJSUA2 Python sample application (pygui) is broken out of the box. 7或更高版本(我们的Python示例应用程序pygui需要2. 8. Once this function has returned success, application must call libDestroy() before quitting. This tutorial provides a comprehensive guide on making SIP calls using Python code. Common Requirements pjsua2_demo. pjsua2JNI. Introduction to PJSUA2 Aug 7, 2020 · You will be given the report of the call progress and/or completion in the onCallState() callback method of Call class. But if _EndPoint is done outside, then the callback is not called. After a great effort, I compiled and integrated pjsip/pjsua2 into my app with which client registrations and calls are working fine. void libCreate PJSUA2_THROW(Error) Instantiate pjsua application. When I try to pass on a python list the call Feb 17, 2017 · In Android from Marshmallow we need to get permissions. Building C# SWIG Module. On my custom onCallMediaState, I Oct 31, 2023 · The question is: What can I do to make sure that the original audio is transferred, looped-back and stored as-is, without any changes to the quality or characteristics of the recorded audio? This is a simple, short call which only loops a wav file, nothing more. Android Kotlin Pjsua2. guse/sip-tools sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install python-pjsua sudo apt-get install python-pjsua2 To check if everything went well: python import pjsua Jun 27, 2022 · You signed in with another tab or window. PJSIP version. Standard C++ library is required. 2. It implements standard based protocols such as SIP, SDP, RTP, STUN, TURN, and ICE. PJSUA2 (Android, Kotlin) Sep 13, 2024 · Pjsua2 是一个基于 PJSIP 库的全功能 SIP 用户代理应用程序,具有跨平台、高扩展性、易用性等优点。如果您想在 Python 中使用 Pjsua2,可以使用 Python PJSUA2 包。 以下是在 Python 中使用 Pjsua2 的步骤: 1. 5 from ActiveState. TransportType. Thank you. call_make_call (int acc_id, string dst_uri, int options,int user_data, _pjsua. AccountCallback): sem = None def this->customCallId = pj2Str(prm. 8, pjsua2 I use this code to get a call, in microsip can accept, but no sound the main code is #!/usr/bin/env python3 import sys import os import logging im Apr 11, 2021 · 问 python中的pjsua make_call隐私和自定义标头 Call’s media. 首先,请确保你的系统已经安装了Python Jun 9, 2020 · I'm working on creating a SIP client using Python and PJSUA2. 7. make_call("sip:destination@destination. Nov 24, 2015 · I can make successfully calls, but i can't receive any since it's not registered. Source Distribution Aug 9, 2022 · Check the documentation before asking here. So, here is the code: #include <iostream& Building PJSUA2 Table of Contents. 目前我在 Python3 中使用 PJSUA2 编写脚本。 The goal of the script is to make voice-calls using SIP. on_state(self) Notification that the call's state has changed. on_transfer_request(self, dst, code) No implementation found for void org. Testing The Installation¶ To test the installation, simply run python and import pjsua2 module: Pip-installable pjsua2 python module; Installing pjsip on Debian; Pjsua usage examples in c and rust; Pjsua2 usage examples in c++ and python3; A ready to use docker image with pjsua and pjsua2 installed; A ready to use docker image with a dev kamailio sip server Oct 20, 2019 · I can't find a similar "call. accountConfigurationg. 11 (also happened with 2. getNatConfig(). Public Functions int getCaptureDev() const Get currently active capture sound devices. dest_call_id – The call id to be replaced. If you're not sure which to choose, learn more about installing packages. Apr 19, 2017 · 需要Python 2. Common Requirements On Linux/MacOS X/Unix, you need to build PJPROJECT with -fPIC option. I used the below code to check and get permissions from user. pyd FAQ Q: How do I specify if I have multiple Python environments on my development machine? Building PJSUA2 Table of Contents. Provide details and share your research! But avoid …. But, could not record calls. This simplified script is largely sourced from the PJSUA2 docs Application should make sure to store the call instance during the lifetime of the call (that is until the call is disconnected (see Call Disconnection below)). Apr 11, 2021 · Older docs say the hdr_list in make_call should be a coma separated list of header key/value pairs in a flat string. Context. It provides high level API for constructing Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) multimedia user agent applications (a. custom_call_id); /* Since we don't know the size of media_dir array, we populate * mediaDir vector up to the element with non-default value. PJSUA2 (Python) Simple audio conference and chatroom server. 1. Note: It is up to the developer to verify uniqueness of the Call-ID as there will be no verification. Conference call. Building Python SWIG Module. Jun 23, 2023 · 可以通过set_codec_priority函数来设置编码的优先级,避免编码问题导致呼叫失败。 pjsua支持的编码列表如下: 4)然后conf_connect进行连接两个slot连接,进而实现音频播放。 完整代码获取途径:关注微信公众号(聊聊博文,文末可扫码)后回复 20230622 获取。 软电话可听到uac分机播放的音频。 关注微信公众号(聊聊博文,文末可扫码)后回复 2023062201 获取。 软电话可听到uas播放的音频。 关注微信公众号(聊聊博文,文末可扫码)后回复 2023062202 获取。 关注微信公众号(聊聊博文,文末可扫码)后回复 20230622 获取。 转载请注明出处,谢谢! Learn how to make SIP calls using Python code. The developer must change the Call-ID between calls creating a unique id for each outgoing call. 10. which shows by registering with python sample program. When I then try to build the SWIG Python module pjsua2 the makefile does not find the file build. PJSUA2 media objects are derived from pj::Media class. PJSUA2 wraps together the signaling, media, and NAT traversal functionality into easy to use call control API, account management, buddy list management, presence, and instant messaging, along with multimedia features such as local audio and video conferencing, file streaming, local playback, and voice recording, and powerful NAT traversal The PJSUA2 Python sample application (pygui) is broken out of the box. PJSUA2 is an object-oriented abstraction above PJSUA API. I can't add a buddy, I get an exception that mentions one of the C code files. cpp. k. This setting will only be used when creating a new outgoing call via Call::makeCall(). With createRecorder() and createPlayer() and transmitting to them I'm able to record the calls and play some wav Files. Dec 12, 2018 · $ cd pjsip-apps/src/swig/ $ make $ make install Step 6: Check installed module $ python > import pjsua2 These steps are exactly mentioned here, except for that RPI twist. mak. Code below: void SipCall::onCallMediaState(pj::OnCallMediaStateParam& /*prm Dec 12, 2023 · Making a Call: To make a call, press “m” and then press enter key. 968 pjsua_core. reason)) Sep 5, 2019 · The _pjsua module is the low-level C Python extension. pjsip. Apr 12, 2023 · Make and answer PJSIP/PJSUA2 Python calls. Mar 15, 2022 · failing pjsua python module. Specifying a Protocol: The default protocol is UDP. chat. The generated Python native module target files will be output to the directory pjsua2pybind11/python, with filenames resembling: pjsua2. Jul 11, 2023 · ¿En qué puedo ayudarte?") audio_filename = "greeting. Typically the media components for a (PJSUA-LIB) call are interconnected as follows: The main building blocks for above diagram are the following components: Jun 26, 2024 · 拨打电话: ```python call = acc. 7及以上版本,以及Python SWIG模块。要使用应用程序,只需运行: Jun 22, 2023 · 拨打电话: ```python call = acc. Nov 24, 2024 · 运行 make: 在 PJSUA2 根目录(也就是 configure 脚本所在的目录)执行 make dep && make && make install 命令。 这将构建整个 PJSUA2 项目,包括 Python 绑定。 设置环境变量: 构建完成后,将 PJSUA2 的安装目录(也就是 configure 阶段指定的 prefix 路径)添加到系统 PATH 环境变量中 PJSUA2 API for Java, Python, C#, and Others; Unable to make or receive call due to large message size; PJSUA2 Table of Contents Jan 2, 2022 · I am using Python 3. UDP,trans_cfg) Building PJSUA2 The PJSUA2 C++ library is built by default by PJSIP build system. 2 呼出 Making Outgoing Calls 拨出电话很简单,只 Sep 14, 2023 · python pjsua2_test. Parameters: call_id – The call id to be transferred. Jun 11, 2015 · I'm trying to use PJSUA for SIP registration: import pjsua as pj import threading def log_cb(level, str, len): print str class MyAccountCallback(pj. Keyword arguments: new_call -- the new call that will replace this call. Load 6 more related questions Show fewer related questions Mar 14, 2023 · I would like to be able to analyze an example of a video call made with pjsua2 version 2. PJSUA2 (Android, Java) Java GUI application supporting audio/video calls. setIceEnabled(true); Python GUI application supporting audio calls, presence, and instant messaging. In pjsip-pjsua during the account configuration we set . Jan 12, 2019 · I am a beginner with the pjsua2 technology, I managed to compile the pjsip technology and I use the example project "pjsua2 android". Feb 8, 2020 · currently im writing a script using PJSUA2 in Python3. Call Properties All call properties such as state, media state, remote peer information, etc. Apr 14, 2021 · I'm trying to play 16 bit PCM mono . I have a custom Call class based on python wrapper call and my code is able to get an active connection. py. Does one exist? I have read the "Book" but there is no example on answering and making calls from the command line. TransportConfig() # port for VoIP communication trans_cfg. The following sections applies to building SWIG Python, Java, or C# modules. guse/sip-tools sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install python-pjsua sudo apt-get install python-pjsua2. Assuming you have the Account object as acc variable and destination URI string in dest_uri, you can initiate outgoing call with the snippet below: The snippet above creates a Call object and initiates outgoing call to dest_uri using the default call settings. The script is working so far. Making outgoing call is simple, just invoke makeCall () method of the Call object. It requires Python 2. Feb 2, 2007 · Generally these should be all that are needed to build the libraries, applications, and samples: $ . py" showing how to use python pjsua2 from the command line. Kotlin GUI application supporting audio/video calls. dsw workspace, 2. You signed out in another tab or window. a Voice over IP/VoIP softphones). com", MyCallCallback()) ``` 希望这些步骤可以帮助您在 Python 中使用 Pjsua2 进行 SIP 通信。 如果您有任何问题,请随时联系我。 For Linux/UNIX, you will also need Python developent package (called python-devel (e. The data can be simple data types such as boolean, number, string, and string arrays, or a user defined object. wav files in a call with PJSUA 2. Reload to refresh your session. port = 5060 # local system address trans_cfg. By following the steps outlined in this tutorial, you will be able to make SIP calls programmatically using Python. make_call. However, the pjsua2_demo. wav" # Create a player self. audDevManager(). I've simplified my script as much as possible to replicate the issue below. Msg_Data msg_data) Make outgoing call to the specified URI using the specified account. PJSUA2 Documentation. But today in my test sudo apt-get install -y software-properties-common # To make add-apt-repository work sudo add-apt-repository ppa:dennis. I have created a function that allows you to make a call, but it does not work. Dec 5, 2023 · Describe the bug I compiled and built the pjsua project from pjproject-vs14. AudioMediaRecorder() # Capture Device Media is basically the device where the call is being made captureDevMed = self. An important subclass of Media is pj::AudioMedia which represents audio media. Building Java SWIG Module. To use the make_call function, simply call it with the appropriate parameters. Allow the request for microphone access to enable audio access for the call. 7或更高版本,但是pjsua2 Python绑定应该能够在旧版本上运 行)。 对于Linux / UNIX,还需要Python developent package(python-devel(如在Fedora上)或python2. Load 6 more related questions Show fewer related questions Sorted Sep 14, 2023 · You signed in with another tab or window. prm. For Windows, you will need MinGW and Python SDK such as ActivePython-2. c pjsua version 0. However, when I attempt to answer a call (using 180 or 200), like so: May 23, 2019 · PJSUA2-High Level API. On my custom onCallMediaState, I have access to the Audio Conference Bridge: def onCallMediaState(self, prm): """ Manage call media state callbacks. Then enter the SIP URI in sip:number@host format and press the enter key again to place the call. PJSUA2 (Python) Python GUI application supporting audio calls, presence, and instant messaging. The PJSUA2 C++ library is built by default by PJSIP build system. May 30, 2023 · Make and answer PJSIP/PJSUA2 Python calls. do a make realclean to wipe any residue data, and run either make python or manually run swig with the following command. The party at dest_call_id then should “replace” the call with us with the new call from the REFER recipient. bound_addr = inputs. client_addr transport = lib. are stored in pj::CallInfo class, which can be retrieved from the call object with using pj PJSIP is a free and open source multimedia communication library written in C with high level API in C, C++, Java, C#, and Python languages. Media objects are objects that are capable of producing or reading media. Asking for help, clarification, or responding to other answers. Note that when debugging audio problem, it’s probably best not to mix the audio from the problematic source with other sources so that we can be clear Oct 7, 2021 · I'm developing a SIP client using python, based on pjsua2. When I use asterisk and set port to 5060, I can make VoIP calls via microSIP. The URI can also be enclosed in name-addr form ( [ display-name ] <SIP/SIPS URI> ) (such as "Alice <sip:alice@example. Yet it makes a difference from where I call the _EndPoint function. Building PJSUA2. I'm testing it with a SIP server running on the same host. Dec 10, 2023 · So, I want to make a call in pjsua2 python library and attach an audio along with it after answer but it doesn't seem to work correctly after call is confirmed. create_transport(pj. There are several types of audio media objects supported in PJSUA2: Objects Persistence . I can't make a call without adding a buddy, and self. code, prm. Feb 26, 2022 · Ask questions, find answers and collaborate at work with Stack Overflow for Teams. addMessage(None, "Failed sending message to '%s' (%d): %s" % (self. Feb 19, 2025 · 我们将从如何使用 pjsua2 实现外呼功能,到如何自动播放音频文件,详细介绍每个步骤,帮助你快速搭建这个自动化系统_python pjsua2 呼叫测试 使用 pjsua2 开发呼叫机器人,批量拨打号码并播放固定音频 Nov 19, 2015 · sudo apt-get install -y software-properties-common # To make add-apt-repository work sudo add-apt-repository ppa:dennis. player = pj. cpp file for every new build/compile of the main project. PJSUA2 (Android, Kotlin) Apr 17, 2017 · 7 呼叫Calls 呼叫由Call类处理 7. Update #1: And dont forget to set ep_cfg. py". This tutorial provides a step-by-step guide on making SIP calls, including authentication, dialing numbers, and handling call events. Download the file for your platform. pjsua_state libGetState const ¶ Get library Python GUI application supporting audio calls, presence, and instant messaging. Demonstrates basic usages of PJSUA2. Second call. This doesn't work: class Call(pj. 7-dev (e. For setup of SIP transport, I am doing like trans_cfg = pj. 13. recorder = pj. Explore Teams Jul 4, 2023 · I use PJSUA2 to establish a full-fledged SIP call with an application which is supposed to: answer my call play a message wait for me (my tool in this case) play a message respond by playing another Realizar llamadas desde Python con pjsua2. 安装 Python PJSUA2 包: ``` pip install pjsua2 ``` 2. Contribute to jaiguers/call-python development by creating an account on GitHub. If _EndPoint is called inside pjsua2_test, then the onRegState callback is called. threadCnt = 0, else you will get Segmentation fault. PJSUA2 includes pj::PersistentObject class to provide functionality to read/write data from/to a document (string or file). How to make a call with Android pjsua2. com"). After this callback is called, this call will be disconnected. Jan 19, 2021 · I am new to PJSUA2, and I'm trying to make calls using this library. Python GUI application supporting audio calls, presence, and instant messaging. sln with VS 2022. You switched accounts on another tab or window. 8 with pjsua2 using swig (built using the files given in the pjsip source code) I can make calls fine. I can't make a call without adding a buddy, and Aug 22, 2024 · I'm unable to receive calls on my PJSUA2 python script. 7-dev(如在Ubuntu 上))。 This function will send REFER request to instruct remote call party to initiate new INVITE session to the URL of dest_call_id. 0 Connecting pjsua2 for android with asterisk. Jul 24, 2008 · 13:05:25. Endpoint() object is important, but it is not referenced by other code in Python. Jan 11, 2025 · Make and answer PJSIP/PJSUA2 Python calls. com", MyCallCallback()) ``` 希望这些步骤可以帮助您在 Python 中使用 Pjsua2 进行 SIP 通信。 如果您有任何问题,请随时联系我。 Oct 5, 2015 · Using PJSUA2 I'm trying to record an incoming call directly to a wav file but can't hear any audio in the wav file. 1 子类化Call类 要使用Call类,应用程序应创建子类,如: 在其子类中,应用程序可以实现呼叫回调,基本上用于处理与呼叫有关的事件,如呼叫状态更改或来电转接请求。 7. PJSUA2. Python,建议使用2. call_make_call() int,int _pjsua. I tried changing some basic options available through the Python EpConfig interface Sep 20, 2023 · the main environment is docker, python3. 13 using Python 3. swig_module_init() Tip: find library dependencies Unable to make or receive call due to large message size Aug 7, 2019 · After continuous attempts I solved it myself. pjsua2. 10). I know the only solution is using the NDK. – During a call, media components are managed by PJSUA-LIB, when PJSUA-LIB or PJSUA2 is used, or by the application if the application uses low level PJSIP or PJMEDIA API directly. getCaptureDevMedia() # Get capture device media Learn how to effectively send an audio file during a call using the PJSUA2 library in Python. Visual Studio 6: open pjproject. Android Java Pjsua2. The application connects to my asterisk server, and can receive calls but can not make calls. options – Application may specify PJSUA_XFER_NO_REQUIRE_REPLACES to suppress the inclusion of “Require: replaces” in the outgoing INVITE request created by the REFER request. Here is the code This is a rather complete Python GUI sample apps, located in pjsip-apps/src/pygui. Application must call this function before calling any other functions, to make sure that the underlying libraries are properly initialized. docker ,python3. When I call makeCall() Wireshark shows the following: The INVITE messages As can be seen from above output, both the sound device (port 0) and the call (port 2) are both transmitting to the WAV file, thus output from both will be mixed and recorded to the WAV file. private static final int REQUEST_PERMISSIONS currently im writing a script using PJSUA2 in Python3. 要在Python 3中安装PJSUA2,你需要使用Python的包管理器pip来下载并安装这个库。PJSUA2是一个用于实时通信(RTC)应用程序的JavaScript库的Python绑定。以下是安装步骤: 1. com;transport=tcp>" ). Cal May 11, 2021 · After trying Krisz's answer from here: How to build PJSUA2 (swig) with Visual Studio 2015 I keep getting this error: import pjsua2 Traceback (most recent call last): File "<stdin>", int _pjsua. ep. Anroid pjsua2 sample Aug 5, 2019 · Read several blogs and articles regarding the same. 0-trunk for win32 initialized Call is CALLING last code = 0 () Press <ENTER> to quit Call is EARLY last code = 180 (Ringing) Call is CONNECTING last code = 200 (OK) Hello world, I can talk! Call is CONFIRMED last code = 200 (OK) Call is DISCONNCTD last code = 200 (Normal call clearing) Jun 1, 2018 · I am trying to make calls using PJSIP module in python. Jan 18, 2025 · 详解 Python 使用 PJSUA2 库进行视频通话时 Assertion failed 错误,分析其原因及提供 SWIG 接口、编译配置、参数传递的解决方案。立即解决你的视频通话问题! Jul 15, 2023 · Download files. Common Requirements Dec 9, 2019 · I'm developing a SIP client using python, based on pjsua2. uaConfig. The logs don't indicate any errors, however I don't hear anything on the other side. See Android Java SIP VoIP and Video Client Example. I have disabl For Linux/UNIX, you will also need Python developent package (called python-devel (e. I am using PJSIP and PJSUA2+Python to implement a custom softphone for our agents. The problem is now I don't have any idea to access the audio data in real time. class AudDevManager #include <media. So I thought that I could call pj::Call::makeCall whenever/wherever I needed to initiate a call, the function would return nearly immediately and any progress would be reported in the callback methods. If this didn't compile or didn't install correctly, it won't be imported. I haven't found anything online, and following the instructions in the official documentation hasn't worked for me. pjsua_state libGetState const ¶ Get library The party at dest_call then should “replace” the call with us with the new call from the REFER recipient. Java GUI application supporting audio/video calls. 9. So the sample code in PJSUA2 page shall have change PJSUA2 API for Java, Python, C#, and Others; Unable to make or receive call due to large message size; PJSUA2 Guide. peerUri, prm. hpp> Audio device manager. on Fedora) or python2. The goal of the script is to make voice-calls using SIP. . Oct 28, 2024 · Thanks for contributing an answer to Stack Overflow! Please be sure to answer the question. You signed in with another tab or window. 0 pjsua2 hangs at makeCall() after 1-2 calls. The function will return a string indicating the success of the call. First, import modules and decleration of a LOG_LEVEL variable, which specifies the input verbosity level of our callbacks. /configure $ make dep && make clean && make Building Win32 Target with Microsoft Visual Studio Generally we can just do these steps: 1. call_is_active (int call_id) Check if the specified call has active INVITE session and the INVITE session has not been disconnected. This is a bit ugly as the we prepend _20, _21, _22, etc onto the caller-id number, just to have it detected and stripped off by the softphone. pygui.